
Uno de los guitarristas de Gypsy Jazz más prominentes de la Península Ibérica
David Regueiro, with more than fifteen albums under his belt, is one of the most outstanding gypsy jazz guitarists in Spain.
Together with his trio, he released, in 2020, “Areal”, an album consisting of nine compositions of his own rooted in the jazz manouche style, the aesthetic movement created by Django Reinhardt, without overlooking other of his influences: American swing and be-bop. The trio brings a rigorous and respectful approach to tradition that is, at the same time, fresh and innovative.
In 2021 he launched “O CAMIÑO”, a new album made entirely of original tunes on which he is accompanied by Pablo Castaño ( sax), Alfonso Calvo (double bass) and Sergio González (drums). In this new recording, he explores other jazz trends and styles inspired by Galician music, taking the career of this outstanding guitarist a step further. All the music in this new album was performed on the “Maruxa” guitar, a piece designed and built especially for this project by the luthier Carlos Sabrafén.
In 2023 he will be releasing “PERFECT MATCH!”, featuring original compositions and arrangements, with his trio and ALEXANDRE CAVALIERE, the leading violinist in this style at an international scale. This recording shows Regueiro’s compositional maturity and a markedly original voice of his own within jazz manouche.
David Regueiro studied Guitar, Music Education, History and Music Sciences in different conservatories (Ourense, Salamanca and A Coruña) and universities (Complutense de Madrid, Salamanca and Royal Holloway in London). He has also been taught by some of the most internationally renowned musicians: Samson Schmitt, Brady Winterstein, Mozes Rosenberg, Adrien Moignard, Joaquín Chacón, Abe Rábade, Paco Charlin, Albert Sanz, Peter Bernstein, Logan Richardson, Steve Brown, Philip Catherine, etc.
He has performed in Portugal, Germany, United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands, as well as in the most important concert halls and festivals in Spain.
Winner of the «MARTÍN CÓDAX MUSIC AWARDS 2023» in the «JAZZ and IMPROVISED MUSIC Category».
Finalist in the “MARTÍN CÓDAX MUSIC AWARDS 2021” in the “JAZZ Category”.
David Regueiro plays JWC Guitars, handcrafted in the UK.
About David Regueiro
La guitarra de Regueiro suena ágil en su improvisación, con fraseos bien articulados
Pachi Tapiz (Tomajazz)
Fraseo espectacular […] ganas de hacer saltar por los aires todo convencionalismo
Cándido Querol (B-Ritmos)
David Regueiro con sus amigos, ha hecho un disco realmente bonito, pero bonito de en el sentido literal de la palabra
José Miguel López (Discópolis RNE)
Un resultado verdaderamente delicioso […] Un salto cualitativo en la carrera de David Regueiro […] Los arreglos están hechos con muchísimo gusto. Es un disco que se saborea y se disfruta de principio a fin
Sergio Cabanijazz (Universos Paralelos)
Regueiro es un especialista, y un estudioso, del jazz manouche […] un ejemplo más de la vitalidad que despliega ahora mismo el jazz gallego
Jaun Ez (Distrito Jazz)
La obra de gente valiente […] Galicia tierra de jazz
José Manuel Pérez Rey (Distrito Jazz)
Hot jazz by definition. Uplifting swing
All About Jazz (Michael Ricci)
David Regueiro es un músico versátil […] mira hacia el jazz manouche sin complejos […] tiene experiencia y desparpajo para «swinguear» a lo Django y conseguir al mismo tiempo que su música suene eficazmente moderna.
Las complejidades compositivas de Bird, suenan increíbles en las intervenciones de la guitarra de Regueiro
Félix Amador Gálvez (Jazz, ese ruido)
A execução à guitarra de David Regueiro é muito bem conseguida e apoiada por uma sólida seção rítmica
Nuno Marinho (